Ladies Legacies™
Why Every Woman Needs an Estate plan
I want to begin by sharing with you why I am so passionate about helping LADIES plan for their future and the future of their families, and about helping them through the process of leaving behind their legacies. When I speak about “legacies”, I am not just referring to the monetary legacy one leaves behind to their heirs, but also the memories, values, and stories they pass along.
In the beginning of my career as an estate planning attorney I met with a client who unknowingly changed my life. It was a client whose husband had just passed away. She was scared, almost frantic, when I met with her. Her and her husband had been married for a very long time, and he had always managed the finances. But here she was, alone, and having to deal with the death of her husband but she was also left to figure out her life, from finances to family. She didn’t even know what bank that her bank accounts where at, never mind knowing how much money she had, or what bills needed to be paid. This experience was heart breaking for me. It was the fear this woman had due to not being in the know of her own life that motivated me to begin addressing as many women as I could, in order to help them be prepared when life happens. I promised myself this day, that I would do whatever I could to educate women, so I could help women avoid going through what this woman went through, one lady at a time.
Keeping true to my promise to help Ladies with their estate planning, I frequently host Ladies Legacies webinars to educate women about their estate planning options and to discuss the unique issues ladies of all demographics face. The webinars are posted on our Events page, so check it out for the next upcoming Ladies Legacies webinar. I have also written a book “Ladies Legacies – Helping Ladies Plan for Their and Their Families’ Future”.
I have prepared this Ladies Legacies Workbook. It is important for ANY woman whether they are married, single, widowed, young or old to take the time to complete this workbook and gather this information while they can. The workbook is easy to download and will provide you with all the important questions and answers any woman should know regarding her finances and her life.

Inside This Book You Will Learn:
- What Is Estate Planning?
- What Every Woman Needs To Know To Protect Themselves, Their Money, And Their Family
- How Probate and Trusts Work
- Estate Planning Strategies for Ms, Miss, and Mrs
- How Unique Every Woman Is and How Unique Her Estate Plan Should Be
- Most Common Excuses for Estate Planning Evasion
- A Trusted Estate Plan And Importance Of A Trusted Estate Planning Attorney
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